With the support and assistance of Baseball Alberta, the Provincial Umpire Committee is offering a mentorship program to developing umpires across the Province.  The intention of the program is to create an opportunity wherein a seasoned umpire in your vicinity can be assigned to work with a developing umpire early in the season to help them make their umpiring experiences supportive and positive.

The key to enacting this program is with the local associations who have an individual who assigns or recommends umpires to games at the 13U 'AA' levels or with the Baseball Alberta game assignors who assign umpires to games at the 13U 'AA' level.  This is where the developing umpires will be working.  Our expectation is that the assignors, early in the season, will also assign one of the senior umpires in their area to the same 13U 'AA' game as these developing umpires.

This program has been described fully at all Provincial Level 3 and 4 Umpire Clinics and so all of the attendees at those clinics are potential mentors and have had the program described to them so they understand their role.  It has also been a subject of the Level 1 umpire clinics so the new umpires will already have a level of expectation.


Take mental notes during the game and provide positive feedback while reinforcing things that are being done wellIdentify 2 or 3 opportunities for improvement by demonstrating or illustrating in a way to get the point across. Talk to them between innings as appropriate as well as before and following the game. Debrief after the game, exchange contact information, and encourage them to call if they have questions or need help. A mentor is there to provide guidance to the new umpires and to assist developing umpires in progressing to be able to work higher levels of baseball over time. 


Apply a large strike zone and the advantages to all participants of calling strikes (about 2/3 of the pitches should be strikes). Encourage to use a loud voice while vocalizing calls. Match voice and signals. "Take their time" when making calls. Encourage base umpires to move to get a proper view of the call and plate umpires to not stay anchored behind the plate. Minimize the time between innings--give tips and explain benefits.